10 Best ChatGPT Alternatives: Better AI Tools To Use

10 Best ChatGPT Alternatives: Better AI Tools To Use

10 Best ChatGPT Alternatives: Better AI Tools To Use

ChatGPT is undeniably the biggest AI tool out there, but it's not without its flaws. We all have our fair share of frustration and annoyance at its limitations, some of which are its questionable accuracy, limited knowledge base, and lack of originality.

Recognizing this gap, we've searched high and low for top-notch alternatives to ChatGPT.

These contenders promise to fill in where ChatGPT falls short, offering you a chance to reach your objectives quicker and more efficiently.

So, ready to explore options that could better align with your needs? Let’s get started.

1. SurgeGraph – Best For Content Writing & SEO

SurgeGraph stands out amongst other AI writing tools by focusing on long-form content such as blogs and articles.

What sets it apart is its sophisticated algorithm, which integrates three powerful engines: an NLP processor, 51 data points from SERP (Search Engine Results Pages), and the latest GPT models.

This potent combination enables SurgeGraph to produce content that not only engages readers but also performs well in search engine rankings.

The tool's ability to analyze 51 data points from SERP means it understands what content ranks well and why. This insight allows SurgeGraph to guide users in creating content that is more likely to be seen and appreciated by their target audience.

Moreover, its use of NLP (Natural Language Processing) ensures that the content feels natural and human-like, enhancing readability and keeping readers engaged.

Another significant advantage of using SurgeGraph is its focus on SEO optimization.

These days, creating high-quality content isn't enough; it needs to be optimized for search engines to ensure visibility.

SurgeGraph addresses this need by generating content that adheres to SEO best practices, thereby increasing the likelihood of ranking high on search engine results pages.


Key Features of SurgeGraph

  • Longform AI writer for SEO-optimized content
  • Supports various article types like listicles, product roundups, reviews, and comparisons
  • Auto-Optimizer for automated SEO optimization
  • One-Click Generation for quick article creation
  • Bulk Generation feature for producing up to 50 articles at once
  • Content Vision for AI-powered image generation
  • SERP Facts for incorporating facts from top-ranking pages
  • Context Infuser for integrating custom knowledge and background information
  • Expert Command for fine-tuning specific parts of content using custom instructions

Pros and Cons of SurgeGraph



Designed to produce high-quality, in-depth articles that are optimized for search engine rankings.

Does not support short-form content generation like social media posts.

Cheaper than similar alternatives.

Requires you to use your own API key for Bulk Generation.

Has a user-friendly and intuitive UI.


Regularly rolls out updates and new features based on customer feedback and requests.


Identifies what makes top 10 pages rank well and incorporate those elements into the generated content.


The use of NLP ensures that the content produced by SurgeGraph feels natural and human-like, improving readability and engagement.


Supports various types of articles, including listicles, product roundups, reviews, and comparisons.


Offers robust content customization options to ensure final output meets expectations and preferences better.


2. Gemini (formerly Bard) - Best For Google Users

Developed by Google, Gemini, previously known as Bard, has emerged as a powerful alternative to ChatGPT. Gemini is powered by the innovative Gemini family of large language models (LLMs). 

What sets Gemini apart is its ability to provide accurate and up-to-date information. Thanks to its access to Google's search technology, this chatbot can access a wide range of information quickly.

This proves particularly handy for when you’re looking for the latest news or deep insights into a specific topic.

Gemini offers an intuitive interface that makes interaction easy. You can ask it to write articles, answer questions instantly, or even create content that stands out. You can also get it generate images for you.

The best part? Currently, Gemini is free for anyone with a Google account.


Key Features of Gemini

  • Highly knowledgeable and can communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions.
  • Offers free image generation based on text prompts
  • Accesses and processes information from the real world through Google Search and keeps its response consistent with search results.
  • Engages in informative and comprehensive conversations, adapting to different conversation styles and topics.
  • Assists with various tasks by following instructions and completing requests thoughtfully.
  • Understands and responds in multiple languages.
  • Designed with safety principles in mind, avoiding generating harmful, unsafe, biased, or unfair content.
  • Continuously learns and improves based on interactions and information it receives.

Pros and Cons of Gemini



User-friendly interface

Its safety control limits its ability to perform many tasks

Versatile; can complete various types of tasks

May produce factual errors

Large knowledge base due to its access to Google Search

Limited originality

Supports multiple languages


Can adjust its responses based on conversation context


3. Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing)- Best For Microsoft Edge Users

Microsoft's Copilot, previously known as Bing, is a conversational search tool powered by a combination of the GPT models and Microsoft's Bing search engine.

Unlike traditional search engines that return lists of links, Copilot acts like a virtual assistant, understanding your natural language queries and providing informative responses directly within a chat interface.

Here's where Copilot shines: Integrated directly into the Microsoft Edge browser sidebar, it allows you to have a conversation about what you're browsing.

Stuck on a research paper? Ask Copilot to summarize complex articles or generate different creative text formats to jumpstart your writing.

Need to compare products or find specific information on a webpage? Copilot can analyze the page and provide concise answers without you needing to sift through text

This real-time interaction with search results makes Copilot a valuable tool for students, researchers, and anyone who wants to navigate the web more efficiently. 

And because it leverages the power of Bing’s search engine, you can trust the information you receive is up-to-date and reliable.


Key Features of Copilot

  • Conversational Search: Unlike traditional search engines, Copilot uses a chat interface to understand your natural language questions and provide informative responses directly.
  • Real-time Web Analysis: Integrated into the Microsoft Edge sidebar, Copilot can analyze the webpage you're browsing and answer questions or complete tasks directly related to that content.
  • Content Summarization: Struggling with a lengthy article? Copilot can summarize key points and information to save you time.
  • Creative Text Generation: Need a jumpstart on your writing? Copilot can generate different creative text formats to spark ideas.
  • Comparison Tool: Copilot can analyze and compare products you find online, helping you make informed decisions.
  • Powered by Bing Search: Leverages the vast knowledge base of Microsoft's Bing search engine, ensuring reliable and up-to-date information.
  • Seamless Integration: Directly accessible from the Microsoft Edge sidebar for a smooth browsing experience.

Pros and Cons of Copilot



Provides a more natural way to search compared to keyword-based engines, allowing for back-and-forth clarification and refinement of your search.

Bing's market share is significantly smaller than Google's, leading to potentially less refined search algorithms.

Integrates well with Microsoft products, enhancing productivity for users within the Microsoft ecosystem.

Currently only available within the Microsoft Edge browser, restricting use for those who prefer other browsers.

Summarizes lengthy articles and helps you grasp key points quickly.

Less community support and fewer third-party tools/extensions compared to its competitors.

Analyzes the current webpage you're on, offering focused information and completing tasks directly within the context of your browsing.

Some users report that Bing's search relevancy and accuracy do not always match up to its main competitors.

Generates different creative text formats to overcome writer's block or brainstorm new ideas.

Ad-heavy search results can detract from the user experience.

Powered by Bing's search engine, ensuring access to a vast knowledge base with up-to-date information.

Compared to some advanced large language models (LLMs), Copilot’s capabilities might be more focused on search assistance and lack the general versatility of other AI tools.

4. Claude - Best For Long Conversations

Developed by Anthropic, Claude is a conversational AI that prioritizes ethical AI use and safety.

Unlike its competitors, Claude focuses on understanding context and nuance, which makes it an excellent tool for users who need precise and thoughtful responses.

One of the key features that set Claude apart is its ability to cite sources. This feature ensures that the information provided is not only accurate but also verifiable, giving users confidence in the suggestions and answers they receive.

Another significant advantage of using Claude is its design aimed at being more transparent and less prone to generating harmful content.

Claude also excels in writing assistance. Its understanding of context length allows it to produce coherent and contextually appropriate pieces of text, making it an invaluable tool for writers.

There are three versions of Claude available:

  • Claude 3 Opus: The most powerful version, excelling at complex tasks and unseen scenarios.
  • Claude 3 Sonnet: Strikes a balance between intelligence and efficiency, ideal for enterprise use.
  • Claude (original): The initial version, still proficient in various tasks but with limitations in areas like coding and complex reasoning.


Key Features of Claude

  • Versatility: Claude excels in various tasks, including generating different creative text formats (like poems, code, scripts), translating languages, answering your questions informatively, and summarizing information.
  • Multilingual capabilities: Claude can understand and respond in multiple languages, making it a valuable tool for global communication and content creation.
  • Safety and Security: A core focus in Claude's development is safety and security. It's trained on filtered data to minimize harmful outputs and operates within established safety protocols.
  • Accuracy and Reliability: Claude strives to deliver accurate and reliable information, accessing and processing information through real-time sources (similar to Claude 3 Opus) to keep responses consistent with search results.
  • Multiple Versions: Claude comes in different versions (Opus, Sonnet, Original) catering to various needs. Opus offers the most power for complex tasks, while Sonnet provides a balance for enterprise use, and the original version remains proficient in core functionalities.
  • Steerability: Claude allows users to provide instructions and guide its responses, ensuring outputs align with your desired tone, personality, and behavior.
  • Vision and Image Processing: (For Claude 3 versions) Claude can process and analyze visual information like charts, graphs, and photos, extracting insights and potentially assisting with data visualization tasks.

Pros and Cons of Claude



Highly intuitive interface, making it easy for users to navigate and interact.

Limited availability as it's still in early access or beta stages for many users.

Offers more nuanced and context-aware responses compared to some alternatives.

May not integrate as seamlessly with certain third-party applications or services.

Continuously learning and updating its knowledge base for more accurate information.

Some users report slower response times compared to other chatbot alternatives.

Focuses on privacy and data protection, giving users peace of mind.

As a newer platform, it might have fewer features than more established chatbots.

Customizable to a certain extent, allowing for a more personalized user experience.

Requires a stable internet connection for optimal performance, which can be a limitation for some.

5. OpenAI Playground - Best For Experimenting with AI

OpenAI Playground is a sandbox environment where you can experiment with the powerful GPT models without needing to write any code.

OpenAI Playground acts as a testing ground where you can interact with the GPT models in plain English. Simply type in a prompt or question, and the AI will generate a response based on its understanding of the world and its training data.

It also allows you to tinker with the inner workings of the models to a certain degree. You can choose which model you want to interact with (specific versions of the GPT-3 and GPT-4 models), adjust settings that control the randomness of the outputs, and even specify phrases that will signal the AI to stop generating text.

This level of customization allows you to experiment and truly understand how the AI responds to different prompts and situations.

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Key Features of OpenAI Playground

  • User-Friendly Interface: OpenAI Playground ditches complex code and offers a simple interface where you can interact with the GPT models through plain English prompts and questions.
  • GPT Model Exploration: You can experiment with different iterations of GPT-3 and GPT-4 models to understand their unique capabilities and response styles.
  • Customization Options: You can F=fine-tune your interactions by selecting the specific model you want to use, adjusting settings that control the randomness of the generated text ("temperature"), and setting specific phrases to signal the AI to stop generating text ("stop sequences").

Pros and Cons of OpenAI Playground



Highly customizable with various settings.

Can be overwhelming for new users.

Direct access to the latest GPT models.

Requires an OpenAI API key for usage.

Real-time feedback for model adjustments.

Can incur costs depending on usage level.

Supports multiple languages.

Limited documentation for advanced features.

Easy integration with other tools and APIs.

Not as user-friendly as some alternatives.

6. Character AI - Best For Fun Conversations

Character.ai takes the concept of chatbots to a whole new level.

Unlike traditional chatbots that focus on providing information or performing tasks, Character AI allows you to interact with AI characters, each with its own unique personality and conversation style.

This allows for engaging and immersive interactions that go beyond simple question-and-answer formats.

Character AI has a vibrant community of users who create these "characters," imbuing them with distinct personalities, knowledge sets, and even creative abilities.

You can dive into conversations with a wide array of characters, from historical figures like Albert Einstein to fictional characters like Harry Potter.

Writers, storytellers, and anyone looking for creative inspiration can interact with these characters to generate new ideas, explore different perspectives, or simply enjoy a captivating conversation.


Key Features of Character AI

  • Vast Character Library: Converse with a diverse cast of characters, both real and fictional.
  • Engaging Conversations: The characters can hold in-depth discussions, access and process information to stay relevant, and even generate creative text formats like poems or scripts based on your prompts.
  • Community-Driven Growth: Anyone can design their own character, adding to the collection of personalities.
  • Customization Options: You can shape your experience by refining characters through ratings and feedback.
  • Focus on Safety: Character.ai prioritizes user safety. NSFW filters are in place, and the developer team actively works to maintain a positive and inclusive environment.

Pros and Cons of Character AI



Offers a one-of-a-kind experience compared to traditional chatbots.

While characters can access information, factual accuracy might not always be perfect.

Anyone can contribute to the character library, leading to a diverse and constantly evolving cast of characters.

As with any user-generated content platform, there's a chance of encountering biases or misinformation within some characters.

You can choose the level of detail desired in conversations, tailoring interactions to your preference.

While characters can hold conversations, their reasoning and problem-solving abilities might be limited compared to more advanced large language models.


It might not be ideal for strictly factual inquiries or tasks requiring complex reasoning.

7. GitHub Copilot - Best For Programming

Whether you're writing source code or looking for specific code snippets, GitHub Copilot is the perfect AI tool for programmers and developers.

This AI-powered coding assistant integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio Code, offering real-time code suggestions that significantly cut down on coding time.

What sets GitHub Copilot apart is its foundation on OpenAI's Codex model. This enables the assistant to understand context and generate accurate code snippets, making coding feel less like a chore and more like a conversation with a knowledgeable partner.

Moreover, GitHub Copilot is also equipped with features that are tailored for modern development needs. This includes copilot chat, pull request support, and an inbuilt CLI functionality within an IDE.

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Key Features of GitHub Copilot

  • Code Completion: This is Copilot's bread and butter. As you type code, Copilot suggests relevant completions based on the context of your project and surrounding code.
  • Multi-language Support: Copilot understands and offers suggestions in a wide range of programming languages.
  • Contextual Understanding: Copilot goes beyond simple string matching. It analyzes your codebase, comments, and even file names to understand the bigger picture and provide the most relevant suggestions.
  • Code Generation: Stuck on a specific function or block of code? Describe what you want it to achieve in natural language comments, and Copilot can generate the code for you.
  • Code Explanation: Need to understand a piece of code you or someone else wrote? Copilot can analyze it and explain its functionality in clear language.
  • Documentation Generation: Copilot can automatically generate comments to explain your code, saving you valuable time.

Pros and Cons of GitHub Copilot



Increases coding speed significantly.

Can generate incorrect or buggy code.

Provides real-time coding assistance.

May not always understand context or specific requirements.

Can generate code in various programming languages.

Requires a good understanding of the code to avoid blindly accepting suggestions.

Helps in learning new coding patterns and practices.

Potential dependency on the tool might reduce fundamental coding skills.

Offers integration with Visual Studio Code, enhancing workflow.

Subscription cost could be a barrier for individual developers or small teams.

Continuously learns and improves from the vast codebase it has been trained on.

Raises concerns about code originality and intellectual property.

8. Notion AI - Best For Productivity

Notion AI is a game-changer for those who live and work within the popular Notion workspace.

It's a suite of AI tools built directly into Notion and can help with various tasks: brainstorming ideas for projects, summarizing lengthy documents into key takeaways, and even writing entire drafts in various tones.

It streamlines your workflow within your existing Notion environment, allowing you to focus on what matters most: getting things done.

Notion AI also offers a writing assistance tool. It corrects grammatical errors and suggests improvements in phrasing and style, making your written communication clearer and more impactful.

Key Features of Notion AI

  • In-Line Assistant: Notion AI integrates directly within your Notion workspace, accessible through keyboard shortcuts, text selection, and slash commands. This makes it easy to use AI features without switching contexts.
  • Content Generation: Notion AI can help you overcome writer's block by generating different creative text formats like blog post outlines, email drafts, and even creative writing pieces.
  • Content Editing & Improvement: Struggling with grammar or clarity? Notion AI can identify and correct typos, suggest synonyms, and rewrite sections to change the tone or style of your writing.
  • Summarization & Information Extraction: Notion AI can condense lengthy documents, meeting notes, or research papers into concise summaries, allowing you to quickly grasp key points.
  • Multilingual Support: Notion AI can translate text between various languages, so you can collaborate or access information from international sources.

Pros and Cons of Notion AI



Lives within your existing Notion workspace, eliminating the need to switch between different tools and keeping your workflow smooth.

Offers a smaller feature set compared to some standalone AI tools.

Offers features like content generation, editing suggestions, and style adjustments.

Notion AI works best with existing data within your Notion workspace. If you're new to Notion or have limited content there, its effectiveness might be reduced.

Can summarize lengthy documents and extract key points, saving you time and effort in research and information overload situations.


9. Perplexity AI - Best For Research

Perplexity AI is useful for those who seek direct answers to their questions with reliable citations from the web.

Perplexity AI combines Wikipedia's in-depth articles with a super-fast search engine. It's particularly beneficial for users in educational fields or those undertaking in-depth research.

The cool thing about Perplexity AI is that it understands your questions and tries to answer them completely, not just with a yes or no. It also finds reliable sources to back up its answers, so you know the information is accurate. This makes it a great tool for anyone who needs trustworthy information.

Perplexity AI even understands how you're feeling when you ask a question. If you're curious, it will give you a straight answer. But if you seem frustrated because you can't find something, it might try to help you in a different way.

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Key Features of Perplexity AI

  • User-focused design with deep integration with trusted sources
  • Provides direct answers from credible websites
  • Ability to cite sources for every piece of information
  • Understands complex queries and breaks them down for easy understanding
  • Clean, minimalistic user interface to minimize distractions
  • Supports real-time learning from user interactions for continuous improvement in accuracy and response quality

Pros and Cons of Perplexity AI



Provides highly accurate and relevant information.

Can sometimes generate complex responses that are hard to understand.

Offers a user-friendly interface.

May not always understand nuanced or highly specific queries.

Continuously learns and updates from user interactions, improving over time.

Limited to text-based interactions, lacking multimedia support.

Can handle a wide range of topics and questions.

Requires a stable internet connection for optimal performance.

Seamless integration with platforms

Possible delays during peak times

Ensures user privacy and data protection.

Struggle in areas where up-to-date or niche information is scarce

10. YouChat - Best For Conversational Search

YouChat blends chat functionality with the power of web search.

This unique feature allows you to dive into a wide array of topics, asking questions and getting back detailed answers that go beyond simple responses. It's like having a conversation with the internet itself.

This tool is especially useful for those who need more than just basic information. Its ability to parse complex queries and provide extensive answers makes it an invaluable resource.

The ease of use is a significant plus. There's no steep learning curve; anyone with internet access can start using YouChat immediately.

The chat system is intuitive, letting you view your conversation history with ease. This means you can pick up where you left off or revisit past inquiries anytime.

Moreover, YouChat offers both free and advanced features, catering to a wide range of needs. 

The free version is robust enough for many users, providing access to most tools without cost. 

For those requiring more sophisticated capabilities, the advanced features unlock even greater potential in your searches and conversations.


Key Features of YouChat

  • Conversational Search: Ask questions in a natural way and get informative answers.
  • Up-to-date Knowledge: YouChat stays current on events, allowing you to inquire about recent happenings.
  • Multi-faceted Results: YouChat goes beyond just text results, providing images, videos, news articles, and even social media commentary related to your search.
  • Contextual Awareness: YouChat remembers the flow of your conversation, so you can ask follow-up questions without needing to rephrase everything.
  • Task Completion: Other than information retrieval, YouChat can summarize information, translate languages, and even generate creative text formats.

Pros and Cons of YouChat



It is free to use

The free version offers limited features

Offers support in multiple languages

Users have raised concerns about how their data is managed and used.

Has a user-friendly interface

The presence of ads can disrupt the user experience.

Regularly updated with new features and improvements based on user feedback

Sometimes the responses can be less accurate or relevant compared to other platforms.

Can be integrated with other software and services

There is limited support and documentation, which can make troubleshooting difficult.

Closing Thoughts

As great as ChatGPT is, it can be a struggle to get it to work to your needs. Luckily, you have all these other alternatives that are better than ChatGPT in specific tasks.

We recommend trying them out to see which tools fits you best.

Particularly, if you own a website and need high-quality content to drive traffic, look no further than the best AI writing tool in town, SurgeGraph.

Offering automated content writing that is optimized for your audience and search engines, SurgeGraph empowers you to rank in the top 10 and grow your traffic, fast.

