Content Velocity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Do It

Content Velocity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Do It

Content Velocity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Do It

These days, writing great content won’t cut it anymore, no matter what anyone says.

With the advent of AI, your competitors are pumping out content at breakneck speed, and if you don’t keep up, you’re going to get left behind and buried in the search results.

Enter content velocity, a strategy that if implemented right, can help you take your website’s traffic from 0 to 100,000.

But what is content velocity? Why does it matter? And most importantly, how do you do it?

In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about content velocity.

What is Content Velocity?

Content Velocity is defined as the number of content published over a period of time.

… or simply, you can think of content velocity as how fast you publish content.

For example, I publish 4 blog posts per month. This is my content velocity (speaking of which, I really need to speed it up...)

What’s important to know is that there is no magic number for content velocity.

The benchmark for “good” content velocity depends on numerous factors like your niche and its average content velocity.

However, your ultimate goal should be to accelerate your content velocity – you want to publish more content, faster.

How Does Content Velocity Help With SEO?

So, why does content velocity matter?

Content velocity is a very effective strategy to boost your SEO game and drive more traffic to your site.

Here’s why:

1. Attract more traffic

By publishing more content, you’ll invite more search engine bots to crawl your pages and index them.

And by having more indexed content, you have a higher chance of ranking for more keywords.

The more (and higher) keywords you rank for, the more traffic you get to your website.

2. Establish your topical authority

Publishing more content ensures that you’re covering your website’s main topic in more depth.

This means that you have a higher chance of answering more questions search users might have. With this, you can establish your website’s topical authority and become the go-to hub for search users.

For example, businesses regularly distribute news updates (like these press release examples) not only to keep their audience informed about the latest developments within their industry, but also to enhance their website’s depth of content. This consistent sharing of relevant information helps build authority and trustworthiness.

By establishing your website as a topical authority, search users don’t have to bounce to other websites to get answers to their questions, and know that they can rely on your website for their other queries.

This ensures they stay longer on your website, giving a good signal to search engines to rank your page higher.

3. Staying ahead of the competition

In SEO, you always want to be better than your competitors.

If your competitors are ranking higher than you and taking away traffic from your site, you’d want to steal their spot and rank higher. To beat your competitors, you need to be better than them.

To be better than your competitors, you can go the quality route: produce better quality content with more in-depth information and answers any questions search users might have. 

At the same time, you can also go the quantity route: by producing more high-quality content.

But first, you need to know how you’re measuring against your competitors.

Let’s say you have 3 competitors: A, B, and C.

  • Competitor A publishes 5 high-quality content per month.
  • Competitor B publishes 6 high-quality content per month.
  • Competitor C publishes 3 high-quality content per month.
  • You publish 4 high-quality content per month.

From this, you know that all of your competitors and you are producing high-quality content.

But what differentiates them from you? What are they doing better than you?

They’re publishing content faster than you, and thus have higher content velocities.

To overtake your competitors, you can accelerate your content velocity by publishing more content.

4. Measuring efficiency

How fast are you publishing content? Is it up to par with the market’s content velocity? 

Knowing what your content velocity is an effective way to measure your efficiency. 

If it’s slower than the average in your industry, then your efficiency is probably on the lower side, and boosting it can help to grow your traffic.

Does Content Velocity Work? (Successful Case Studies)

So, does Content Velocity really work to drive traffic?

Since nothing speaks to our mind more than real-life case studies, here are a few successful stories of Content Velocity:

1. 0 to 60,000 Organic Traffic

This e-commerce website published 384 articles in a year, which is approximately 32 posts per month.

The articles ranged from 1600 to 2500 words.

This helped them grow their organic traffic from 0 to 60,000 in just a year.


2. 0 to 40,000 Organic Traffic

This case study was by a Social Media Agency who published 43 pages in 3 months.

A majority of the articles had 1600 words, while the rest had 2400 words.

6 months after they first started publishing, they reached 10,000 organic traffic per month.

A year and a half after, they saw 40,000 organic traffic to their website.


3. 0 to 7500 Organic Traffic

This case study is shared by a company in the SaaS industry.

To accelerate their Content Velocity, this company published 450 posts in 6 months.

And the result?

Their traffic graph saw a significant increase in organic traffic — from 0 to more than 7500 organic visitors.


How To Do Content Velocity?

The concept of content velocity might seem daunting at first. Writing one piece of content can take days, let alone hundreds of content.

Generally, there are two ways you can accomplish content velocity.

1. Hire Freelance Writers

It goes without saying that to accelerate your content velocity, you’d have to produce a lot of content in a shorter time. And to publish more content, you need writers.

One of the most efficient way to boost your content velocity would be to outsource your writing needs. You can hire freelance writers to do the writing for you, and then review the articles yourself, or get an in-house editor.

However, if you go this route, you’d need to be prepared for a few things:

  1. Preparing your own brief

The final work is only as good as the instructions provided in the beginning.

Although you can hire niche writers who specialize in your industry and are knowledgeable, you would still need to provide good content briefs to obtain your desired results.

  1. Finding good writers

There are many writers out there, so you won’t have trouble finding them. But good writers are harder to come by. If you want your money’s worth, you’d want to vet the writers you hire to ensure they are capable of writing good content.

There are a few ways you can go about filtering good writers from bad ones.

First, you can ask for their portfolio, review their past works, and from there, gauge whether their style and quality is up to your standards.

Second, you can test the candidates’ writing skills by giving them a mock article to write. 

2. Use AI Writing Tools For Automation

A better way to go about accelerating your content velocity is to use Artifical Intelligence (AI) for automated content writing.

AI writing tools can generate content for you from scratch, saving you time and effort.

Considering how time is the essence in content velocity, AI writing tools that can write long-form content for you can definitely boost your content production faster than hiring human writers.

Despite the chatter that Google is looking to penalize AI content, Google has reiterated multiple times that they are fine with AI content, as long the content is of good quality, and is helpful and relevant to users.

So, how do you make sure your AI-produced content is both helpful and relevant to users, and can rank on search engines? You’d need to choose the right AI writing tool.

And there’s no better AI writing tool out there than SurgeGraph’s Longform AI.

Longform AI is SurgeGraph’s AI writing tool that generates over 2,000 words in under 3 minutes. The best part is that Longform AI is trained to produce SEO-optimized content that can rank in Google’s Top 10.

These are 5 key points that make SurgeGraph’s Longform AI the best AI tool for long-form content:

 1. Specializes in high-quality, long-form SEO content

A jack of all trades is a master of none. Longform AI is made specifically for long-form content, and long-form content only.

None of its resources are wasted on short-form content like social media posts or song lyrics that serves 0 purpose in the SEO world.

2. Supports various article types

There are various types of long-form content, and each comes with its own structure.

Longform AI can generate any long-form content you need, whether that be general articles, listicles, or affiliate content like product roundups, reviews, and comparisons.

3. Harnesses the power of AI and SEO

Longform AI uses SurgeGraph’s advanced algorithm that incorporates over 50 SERP data points, an NLP processor, and the power of the latest GPT models to craft content that is optimized for both your audience and search engines.

4. Offers SEO Auto-Optimization

Optimizing your content for SEO is a crucial step to ensure it can rank, but it can take hours of effort if you were to do it manually.

Within SurgeGraph’s Content Writer, you will have access to the Auto-Optimizer, which automatically optimizes your content for SEO.

5. Writes comprehensive, in-depth content that leaves no gap with your competitors

Longform AI uses SurgeGraph’s proprietary Topic Coverage algorithm to ensure that the content it generates is comprehensive and covers all topics found on the Top 10 pages.

Not only that, it also includes powerful Contextual Terms that gives your content an upper hand against the Top 10 and steal their spot on the SERP.

 Longform AI basically takes away all the effort, time and resources required to amp up your content production speed.

With Longform AI, you can easily publish 100+ high-quality long-form content monthly that will rank in the Top 10 and grow your traffic fast.

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Based on the many successful stories of sites gaining substantial traffic through content velocity, it is undeniable that it is an SEO strategy worth striving for.

But achieving content velocity is not an easy feat, mainly due to two reasons:

  1. It is difficult to put out a lot of content in a shorter amount of time. You’d need to hire a lot of writers, which will be costly.
  2. You’d need to be careful not to publish low-quality content that gives no value to users and might be tagged as spam by Google.

Essentially, with content velocity, you want both quantity and quality. You need a lot of high-quality, helpful and relevant content that both users and search engines will like.

To do this, you can hire human writers, although it will be time-consuming and costly. But the smarter way would be to invest in an AI writing tool that can craft your content for you. And you don’t want just any content, you want content that is of good quality and can rank on search engines.

With Longform AI, you can rest assured that your content velocity strategy won’t backfire on you, as it helps craft high quality content that is SEO-optimized to rank high.

So if you’re ready to boost your SEO strategy and see that surge in traffic, accelerating your content velocity with Longform AI is the way to go.
